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The 9 Points program of Vasavi Lalitha kalashale :


→ On Thursday's , BhagavathGeetha parayanam

→'Lalitha Sahasranama Kumkumarchane' will be performed every Friday at Sri Gangamma Temple

→ On every Saturday’s , Laddu Packing @ TTD Temple

→ During Mahashivaratri, Saamuhika 'Bhasma Shiva Kukumarchane ' in maagha Masam

→ Saamuhika 'Vasavi Sahasranama Kumkumarchane' during vasavi Atmarpana day & vasavi jayanthi day

→ Special programs conducted during Ashada shudha ekadashi & Vaikunta Ekadashi

→ Every year nearly 50 – 70 times Vishnu Sahasranamam,Lalitha sahasranamam,Bhajans will be organised and actively participated by Kalashale during various occassions

→ Hanuman Chalisa Vratham

→ Several programs like 'Quiz on Bhagavath Geetha', Sloka Reciting Competition as well as writing competition' etc will be conducted every year and actively participated by many.

→ “Vasavi Day” - The Day on which many spiritual and cultural programs are organized and conducted to bring out the talents in people.

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